Stacks and queues can be easily implemented using linked lists. Each node in the linked list represents an element in the stack or queue, and operations like push, pop, enqueue, and dequeue can be performed using the head and tail pointers.
Linked lists can be used for dynamic memory allocation. Each node in the linked list represents a block of memory, and the pointer in the node points to the next block of memory. This allows for efficient memory allocation and deallocation at runtime.
Sparse arrays are arrays in which most of the elements are empty or zero. Linked lists can be used to represent sparse arrays efficiently by storing only the non-zero elements in the linked list.
Linked lists can be used to represent graphs. Each node in the linked list represents a vertex, and the edges are represented by the pointers between the nodes.
Music playlists can be implemented using linked lists. Each node in the linked list represents a song, and the pointers represent the order in which the songs are played.
Navigation systems use linked lists to represent the route between two points. Each node in the linked list represents a location, and the pointers represent the directions to get to the next location.
Linked lists can be used to represent polynomials efficiently. Each node in the linked list represents a term in the polynomial, and the pointers represent the exponents and coefficients of the terms.
Linked lists can be used to implement undo-redo operations. Each node in the linked list represents a state of the application, and the pointers represent the order in which the states were visited.
Hash tables use linked lists to store the values that hash to the same index. Each node in the linked list represents a value, and the pointers represent the collision resolution technique used to resolve collisions.
Linked lists can be used to implement a cache. Each node in the linked list represents a value, and the pointers represent the order in which the values were accessed. The least recently used values can be removed from the cache using the head pointer.