Children under 14 can still become entrepreneurs, developing excellent financial habits early on.Pet-sitting is an excellent opportunity to earn money for ten-year-olds with little skill needed.Lawn Mowing is a good profession for children who enjoy being outside and can offer lawn mowing services for neighbors.Babysitter helpers are suitable for ten-year-olds as it teaches them how to care for others while earning money.Setting up a lemonade stand is a typical way for a 10-year-old to earn money.Yard sales are an excellent method for 10-year-olds to earn additional money.Household chores are a terrific opportunity for 10-year-olds to help around the house and teach them responsibility.Recycling Assistant can help kids to earn money and teach them to be environment-friendly.Paper Round is one of the best jobs for 10-year-olds wishing to make extra cash early in the morning.Craftseller is a good job for creative children to make and sell items at school events, neighborhood fairs, or online.