Burnout seems to be an epidemic among leaders and people in general. It’s a fine line between being tired and burning out. Here are 11 things to look out for: 1) Your passion fades, 2) The main emotion is ‘numbness’ – you no longer feel the highs or the lows, 3) Little things make you disproportionately angry, 4) Nobody energizes you, 5) You’re becoming cynical, 6) Nothing satisfies you, 7) You can’t think straight, 8) Your productivity is dropping, 9) You are self-medicating, 10) You don’t laugh anymore, 11) Sleep and time off no longer refuel you. Identifying with a few of these signs might just be a sign that you’re tired. If you identify with most or all, then you might be close to the edge or in burnout and need professional help.