AI technologies have enhanced personalized experiences through predictive models and behavioral insights, but pose risks of manipulation.Behavioral marketing targets human attention using AI tools, leading to concerns about influencing decision-making and freedom.Choice architecture in digital spaces manipulates user decisions subtly, like using fear of missing out to push subscription decisions.Choice architects guide behavior online by leveraging psychological tendencies and biases to influence choices.Human tendencies play a significant role in decision-making, with users often choosing familiar options over new ones.AI marketing exploits psychological biases like status quo bias, social proof, fear of loss, and scarcity to prompt quick decisions.Scarcity bias is evident in prompting immediate purchases, bypassing rational decision-making processes.Effort justification and emotional attachment nudges are employed through quizzes and personalization to influence buying decisions.Narrow framing and comparison nudges are used to influence choices, steering users towards specific decisions.AI systems in political campaigns use sophisticated techniques to manipulate voters through tailored messages based on collected data.