HackerNoon stories are now automatically shared across multiple platforms, including Pinterest, Threads, X/Twitter, Bluesky, Mastodon, FlipBoard, and via RSS.
Auto-publishing all new stories on the Arweave blockchain, the terminal reader, and the lite version of the story without javascript, amplifies content and gives it massive exposure across a wide range of networks.
Threads posts story headlines, links, and the first story tag as a hashtag.
Twitter/X posts the story's meta description with the first two tags as hashtags.
Bluesky posts the story's meta description with the first tag as a hashtag and a rich media link to the story.
Mastodon offers a concise story TL;DR and link.
Pinterest features the blog post's second headline, pinned into the relevant board.
Flipboard posts the story's TLDR, tags as hashtags, and a rich media link to the story.
ViewBlocks archives the full-body story text onto the blockchain, ensuring permanent visibility.
HackerNoon offers several other ways to increase the distribution and readership of stories, amplifying reach with minimal effort.