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Image Credit: Insider

An interviewer for Netflix's 'I Am A Killer' has spoken to over 100 prisoners. She shares what it's like speaking to murderers and how her team finds gripping stories.

  • Zoe Hines is a director and producer on the team at Transistor Films that makes the Netflix docuseries 'I Am A Killer.'
  • Hines has interviewed 13 killers, from those convicted of murder to manslaughter and involuntary manslaughter, in multiple maximum-security prisons across the United States.
  • The interviewees featured on the show include Gary Black, who was given a life sentence in 1998 after stabbing Jason Johnson, a stranger, in the neck at a convenience store in Missouri.
  • The 'I Am A Killer' team doesn't interview mass murderers or sexual abusers.
  • Finding the right subjects for the interviews is 'incredibly labor intensive,' as the team must navigate each state's prison system, from finding inmates on databases to being granted access.
  • Once the team finds an inmate with an interesting story who is not involved in legal proceedings, they exchange written letters with them for several months and then arrange an interview through the relevant state's Department of Corrections.
  • The interviews can lead to prisoners reevaluating their crimes.
  • Filming 'I Am A Killer' has taken Hines to places where there's 'a lot of social, economic deprivation,' which can lead to 'complicating factors' in the crimes she has covered.
  • Hines said: 'I think the general idea that everybody who takes another person's life is a monster is flawed. I think humans, we're all flawed to a certain degree.'
  • Everything they do is with the welfare of victims and their families at the forefront of their concerns.

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