AWS Serverless Lambda functions can be developed and deployed to AWS Cloud with ease using the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) framework AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model).
Lambda Layer is a way of sharing reusable code and libraries among multiple Lambda functions. The layer makes the size of Lambda function deployment smaller and ensures consistency across functions.
Lambda layers can be used in various scenarios such as shared libraries, custom functions, common configuration, and logging tools.
When using Lambda layers, keep in mind certain constraints such as five layers limit and the maximum size limit of 50 MB compressed per layer.
A Lambda function uses layers by importing modules and calling functions from those modules.
The AWS SAM can facilitate the build, validation, and deployment of Lambda layers and functions to AWS Cloud.
The entire process from creating a Lambda layer to referencing it in a Lambda function and then building and validating can be accomplished using AWS SAM.
After validating the function locally, you can deploy it to the AWS Cloud using the sam deploy command.
To avoid unnecessary resource usage, remember to delete the Lambda function and the Lambda layer.
AWS SAM is an efficient way of testing and debugging Lambda functions before deploying them to the cloud.