Axelar (AXL) is currently priced at $1.00 with a market cap of $666,510,902 and a circulating supply of $665,358,163.97.In the last 24 hours, AXL has shown a 2.8% increase, and over the past month, it has grown by 20.55%.The price predictions for Axelar in 2025 estimate a potential ROI of 54.1%, with the trading value expected to range from $1.46 to $1.71 on average.For March 2025, AXL is forecasted to not drop below $1.09 and peak at $1.51, with an expected average price of $1.51.By 2032, the projected minimum and maximum prices of Axelar are $18.30 and $22.71, with an average of $18.85.The potential ROIs for Axelar vary from 36% to 91872.1% over different time periods, showcasing significant price growth potential.