PythonAnywhere is a cloud-based platform that allows you to have a server instance for all your Python development needs
Amazon AWS free plan is pretty much a way of learning more about the services that AWS & EC2 provide to the world
OpenShift is a project maintained by the original Red Hat board, and provides a free – and paid – cloud service to those who need it
Heroku is the perfect example of successful growth, over the last couple of years it has become the place to go to when someone is looking to launch a new startup or a business
They’re obviously not limited to Django only, and I’m only using the terminology so I can have the post rank for that keyword
The Amazon AWS free plan is perhaps an ideal way to get your feet wet with testing applications and deploying them
The official OpenShift blog is full of tutorials, guides and other juicy information that will help you get going quickly
The free plan offers enough specifications for you to do some basic testing, and even host a portfolio site if you’d like
You can head over to the Heroku’s own ‘Getting Started with Django‘ guide and learn how to set up a fully functional Django installation on your Heroku node
If you are novice towards learning Django, you can try this online tutorial ‘Learn Django and Python Development By Building Projects‘, where you’ll be made familiar with the fundamentals of Django and build blogs, message boards, surveys and much more!