It's crucial to consider efficiency, standardization, validation, and internationalization when storing phone numbers in the backend.Storing the complete phone number with country code in international E.164 format is the most common, standardized way.E.164 format allows easy validation and ensures uniqueness of phone numbers.You store one canonical format, reducing the risk of redundancy or inconsistent data with this approach.Storing phone numbers by separating country code and local number is useful in localized systems.Storing phone number separately adds complexity by requiring extra logic for managing the country code and local number separately.Using Google's libphonenumber library helps to handle phone number validation, formatting, and parsing efficiently.Parsing the phone number correctly and providing the default country code while parsing are important considerations.E.164 format is useful when needing international support, validation rules, and uniform formatting.libphonenumber makes it much easier to handle phone number validation, formatting, and parsing efficiently.