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Bowtie Analysis
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Image Credit: Fourweekmba

Bowtie Analysis

  • Bowtie Analysis is a risk management tool that depicts relationships between hazards, consequences and control measures for effective identification and mitigation of potential hazards.
  • Bowtie Analysis has key elements such as hazard identification, consequence analysis, barrier identification, and bowtie diagram construction.
  • Bowtie Analysis enhances risk understanding, proactive risk management and stakeholder engagement and has use cases in industries, including healthcare and oil and gas sectors.
  • Strategies for Bowtie Analysis include a multidisciplinary approach, scenario analysis, and continuous improvement, with benefits in holistic risk management, visual representation, and proactive risk mitigation.
  • Challenges include data availability and quality, subjectivity, and integration with management systems.
  • Other strategy frameworks discussed in the article include the ADKAR model, Ansoff Matrix, Business Model Canvas, Lean Startup Canvas, Blitzscaling Canvas, Blue Ocean Strategy, Business Analysis Framework, BCG Matrix, Balanced Scorecard, McKinsey 7-S Model, McKinsey’s Seven Degrees, McKinsey Horizon Model, Porter’s Five Forces, Porter’s Generic Strategies, Porter’s Value Chain Model, and Porter’s Diamond Model, SWOT Analysis, PESTEL Analysis, Scenario Planning, and STEEPLE Analysis.
  • Bowtie Analysis is a valuable risk management tool that enables organizations to visualize, analyze, and mitigate potential hazards and threats effectively.
  • Scenario planning attempts to aid better strategic decision making by considering the future business environment.
  • SWOT Analysis and PESTEL analysis evaluates the business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats along with political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal factors.
  • The article provides a detailed overview of the Bowtie Analysis tool, strategies, benefits, and challenges, as well as additional strategy frameworks for organizations to consider.

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