Digital wallets, also known as mobile wallets, are apps that allow users to pay for goods and services using their smartphone instead of cards or cash, with transactions being transmitted to payment terminals via card information already loaded and saved to the wallet app's data.
Many of the major global digital wallet players include PayPal, Google Pay, Samsung Pay and Apple Pay. However, bespoke wallets also exist, catering to niche markets and specific users, such as Anonymous Crypto Wallets.
Digital wallets are considered safe to use, particularly in comparison to cash. This is due in part to tokenization, which encodes information to prevent fraud, and biometric data, which requires fingerprint or facial recognition technology in order to initiate transactions.
In addition to being convenient to use, digital wallets allow users to withdraw cash without their card, in some cases helping investors who tend to make quick decisions and need instant access to cash. Wallets also allow users to view transaction histories, making it easy to track spending.
The downside of digital wallets includes: a reliance on charged smartphone batteries, limited merchant acceptance, and the potential for mobile devices to be lost or stolen.