2025 is approaching quickly and the author has listed five software hobby project ideas along with potential monetization strategies.
The first idea is a personalized email sending web service that can be developed using a battle-tested web development framework like Django.
The second idea is a CRM tool developed specifically for freelancers that provides an affordable alternative to bloated CRM tools.
The third idea is a web scraping service leveraging Python libraries like BeautifulSoup and Scrapy for extracting data from websites.
The fourth idea is a monitoring service for keeping an eye on various services using Python's requests package and the Slack API.
The fifth idea is a URL shortener service that can be developed using the Flask framework and a database for persisting mappings.
All of the above five projects can be monetized via a subscription-based model and premium features like advanced analytics, additional notification channels, etc.
Each project is an excellent learning experience and worth building and learning from, even if only as a simple hobby or open-sourced project on GitHub.
If you're inspired to start a new project, find your niche and pick a specific target audience and tailor your service directly for them for maximum efficacy.
In the end, the key is to keep on coding and keep on creating and not stay stagnant.