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Image Credit: Hackernoon

Building a Web App? This Method Makes It Faster, Safer, and Smarter

  • The article covers how to set up an optimal local development environment for a Next.js project using Neon Postgres and deploying it to Vercel.
  • It includes topics like the best practices for local development and deployment, branching, and environments.
  • The article provides a detailed guide on how to set up a Neon Postgres project for local development, deploy a Next.js project to Vercel using the Vercel CLI, and use Vercel edge functions to improve runtime operations.
  • It also explains how to protect Neon database from SQL injection attacks and how database branching in Neon works.
  • Some prerequisites required for this guide are proficiency with Next.js, a Neon account, and a Vercel account.
  • Creating a Neon account and setting up a Neon Postgres project is explained with important details like how to set up the Neon project, how to use Neon SQL editor, and how to copy pooled connection string to a .env.production file within the Next.js project.
  • Deploying your Next.js app to Vercel with Vercel CLI and setting up a Vercel edge function to retrieve user information from a Neon database is also explained along with step-by-step guidance.
  • This article also talks about sending data to Neon, SQL injection and attack prevention on the database, and creating database branching in Neon.
  • Overall, the article aims to optimize the development workflow of a project to ship faster and better through best practices and opinionated guidance.
  • The project is available on GitHub for further reference.

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