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Building bun-tastic: A Fast, High-Performance Static Site Server (OSS)

  • Bun-tastic is a high-performance static site server that's designed to be fast, flexible, and easy to use. It uses any S3-compatible object storage to store the site files and it's built to run on Bun and its S3 API.
  • bun-tastic serve multiple static websites from one application, smart path handling with automatic index.html resolution, and globally fast and automatic TLS certificates (if using Fly).
  • It has a simple configuration through JSON, HTTP/3 support via Fly, Brotli & zstd compression support, and built-in monitoring with Grafana dashboard on Fly.
  • Built on Bun's native S3 client and web server, it uses zero dependencies and can run on a single machine with 256MB RAM. In terms of speed, bun-tastic performs well in load testing.
  • If you're managing multiple sites, bun-tastic might be a great option because it provides simplified management and you can tailor it to your individual needs.
  • While traditional hosting might be cheaper for a single low-traffic site, bun-tastic could save you money or offer more speed if you're managing many sites or dealing with higher traffic.
  • Tigris provides global caching out of the box and objects cached closer to users means faster subsequent requests.
  • Any S3-compatible storage will work just fine but using Fly provides additional benefits such as HTTP/3 support, automatic TLS certificates, and global compute for fast and reliable global distribution.
  • Future plans for bun-tastic include adding CLI for simplified site uploads, 103 Early Hints support, more caching semantics, multi-core configuration, and bot request blocking.
  • Overall, bun-tastic allows you to self-host static sites on your own terms, with control, flexibility, and top-notch performance.

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