Protocols like Bitcoin, Algorand, and Ouroboros Praos allow resource holders to participate directly in the protocol, with block producers forming pools in PoW and PoS systems.
Pool leaders validate transactions in PoW, while in PoS, leaders control block creation and members delegate staking rights to the leader.
Temporal discounting influences pooling behavior, with small miners preferring frequent small payments over rare large payments.
Systems like Cosmos and EOS restrict participation in consensus, requiring parties without enough stake to delegate rights to a validator.
The security of a ledger relies on honest majority participation, with concentration of power among few entities posing a threat.
Concerns include liveness, safety, and stability hazards from power concentration and behavior of block proposers in blockchain systems.
Smart contracts enable MEV-type attacks, impacting stability; the proposer-builder separation model aims to mitigate these attacks.
In PoS systems, lack of self-healing poses a threat as adversaries can retain control indefinitely by prohibiting power shifts during temporary takeovers.
A diverse stake distribution is crucial for protecting against takeovers in PoS systems.