Razer AVA Project uses AI technology to provide real-time gaming tips and post-match coaching which is designed to help gamers improve their skills.
It offers live strategy suggestions and you can interact with AVA through your headset, chatbox or at any time of your choice.
The Project AVA is designed to offer customized interaction levels based on individual player skills to provide more personalized recommendations.
Razer aims to release a beta version sometime in 2025 for gamers who may be struggling to learn the mechanics of games because of the lack of helpful advice and guidance.
The device has been designed to act like a coach by offering replay, feedback, and tips to help gamers improve their gaming skills.
A concern is whether Razer pays or credits content creators for the guides that help train the AI gamer assistant.
Some gamers might consider it cheating if Project AVA is used during an online multiplayer game or in tournament settings.
Razer guarantees that the assistant is meant to be a coach and trainer, not a tool for unfairly beating others.
Razer's AVA project is aimed at helping those gamers who want live advice, post-match coaching, and personalized recommendations to enhance their gaming skills.
While there are concerns about cheating in online multiplayer games, Razer aims to make AVA a viable business move.