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CodeChecker - code quality control using PVS-Studio

  • CodeChecker is an open-source quality control tool on Linux and macOS that supports many code analyzers for various languages. CodeChecker has recently added support for the PVS-Studio analyzer which this article guides readers through the installation process and demonstrates how to use the tool with the PVS-Studio static code analyzer.
  • CodeChecker requires a Python interpreter of version 3.8 or later which is distributed as a Python package. After creating a Python virtual environment, install the codechecker package and PVS-Studio's latest version of report-converter component into the created virtual environment.
  • CodeChecker uses its own report format, so you need to convert the PVS-Studio analyzer report into it. CodeChecker's built-in tool—report-converter—can convert the PVS-Studio report into CodeChecker's format.
  • After the PVS-Studio report is converted into the CodeChecker format, save it to the server by running the command, 'CodeChecker store ./pvs_studio_reports -n default' and a run named default appears on the default product page.
  • CodeChecker web interface enables filtering of analyzer warnings by various parameters like certainty level, diagnostic rule name, etc.
  • CodeChecker allows the user to markup warnings by setting reviewed statuses for warnings such as confirmed bug, false positive, and intentional. This enables you to differentiate between true, false, and issues which don't require fixing.
  • Besides CodeChecker, the PVS-Studio static analyzer integrates into such code quality control systems as SonarQube and DefectDojo.
  • Keeping code clean and tidy is an important task that requires the best tools for maintaining code quality. CodeChecker is an excellent interface for viewing and marking warnings of analyzers, including PVS-Studio.
  • PVS-Studio also offers a free trial that enables a user to integrate it into their software development life cycle to avoid common coding errors and inefficiencies.

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