Golang developers frequently use design patterns specific to Golang's strengths to build scalable systems. The Singleton pattern is used for ensuring a single instance of a type exists across the application while the Factory pattern provides a method to create objects without exposing the creation logic. The Decorator pattern is used to add behaviors to objects at runtime. The Observer pattern defines a one-to-many dependency between objects so that all dependents are notified when one object changes state. The Strategy pattern defines a family of algorithms, encapsulating each one, and making them interchangeable. Other patterns commonly used in Golang programs include the Adapter pattern, Builder pattern, Chain of Responsibility pattern, Command pattern, Options pattern, and the Error Wrapper pattern.
Concurrency patterns leverage Go's concurrency primitives, such as goroutines, channels, and select statements. The Worker Pool pattern is used to limit the number of concurrent tasks being executed while the Fan-Out, Fan-In pattern distributes tasks to multiple goroutines and combines their results. The Rate Limiting pattern controls the rate of operations to prevent overloading downstream systems while the Pipeline pattern passes data through a series of processing stages using channels.
Other popular design patterns in Golang include the Repository pattern, which abstracts the database layer and the Pub/Sub pattern, which implements an event-driven communication model between components. The Configuration pattern centralizes configuration management for maintainability and consistency, and the Circuit Breaker pattern prevents cascading failures in distributed systems by halting failing operations.