Creating sufficient test data in Stripe for AI+data course to show how to build an AI chatbot by moving e-commerce data from Stripe into PGVector running on Supabase, via Airbyte PGVector connector to create OpenAI embeddings.
A few sample datasets can be loaded by using the CLI fixtures command, but these did not fit the need for a larger dataset.
Creating sample data in Stripe sandbox using the python client provided by Stripe.
Functions were added for each of the data types in Stripe that were needed like sample customers, products, prices and purchases.
Collab Python script is super easy to insert test data into Stripe with the help of API.
Data can then be hooked up to Airbyte using the Connector Builder to map API endpoints to streams for each data type and set up a sync job.
Problem solved! Collab Python script is super easy for the learner to insert test data into Stripe.
Online or workshop learners can easily insert the substantial sample dataset available to interact with AI chatbot question.
The data can be used for questions like “who made the cheapest purchase? How much did they pay, and what did they buy?“
Random names for customers, products, and colors were generated in order to insert data into Stripe.