Cryptocurrency trading and staking are excellent methods for earning extra cash.Staking cryptocurrencies involves locking your digital token to a blockchain for rewards.Trading involves buying or selling a digital token with the hopes of earning future profits.Trading is riskier than staking as you will be risking your money in a volatile market without knowing whether it can give returns or losses.Staking is a way to diversify your income streams and reduce the impact of market volatility on your returns.You must prioritize when choosing whether to trade or stake cryptos, or both.Staking is suitable for long-term investors since you just lock your assets and watch them grow passively.Trading requires constant attention, including analyzing the crypto markets and tracking open positions, to maximize your chances of success.Choose liquid ones with no staking options for trading and illiquid ones for staking if you want long-term returns.Ensure the broker you want to trade or stake cryptocurrencies with is highly regulated and gestures elements aligning with your needs.