Singly Linked list is a special data structure, which is a collection of zero or more nodes.The node is a combination of data + link.A Singly Linked List is a collection of zero or more nodes where each node has 2 or more elements.Deleting the element from the front end is simple.To display all the node data, take a temp node, and iterate through all the elements present in the list.Below is the code for SLL where the element is inserted at front end and deleted from front end.The output from the program will display the inserted elements, deleted element and the final list.There are different types of Linked Lists like Singly Linked List, Doubly Linked List, Circular Singly Linked List and Circular Doubly Lined List.This article focuses on Single Linked List implementation using basic operations like insert, delete and display.It is a useful data structure for storing and manipulating data in a sequential manner.