Circular Queue uses a data structure (array or linked list) to allow insertion and removal of elements from both the ends (front and rear end).
In this article, we understand the introduction to Circular Queue Data Structure, Formula to calculate to insert elements, Understanding inserting elements with an example, and Implementation of Circular Queue using arrays.
In Circular Queue, the front will be pointing at 0 and rear pointer will be pointing at the maximum index size of the queue.
When an element is inserted at the rear end, rear_end = (rear_end + 1) % MAX_QUEUE_SIZE; similarly, when an element is deleted from front_ end front_end = (front_end + 1) % MAX_QUEUE_SIZE; are the formula to calculate the index.
Depending upon the result, the rear pointer will update accordingly.
Circular queue, we will be utilizing the space efficiently.
Data structure uses an array with operations Insert(), Delete(), Display().
The Insert() function adds an element at the rear end and Delete() function deletes element from the front end.
Display() function shows the content of the queue.
Code implementation of Circular Queue using arrays includes InsertQueue(), DeleteQueue(), and DisplayQueue() functions.