Defense in depth is a layered approach to vulnerability management that reduces risk.
The Defense in Depth approach is implemented by utilizing AWS services such as EC2, Application Load Balancer, Web Application Firewall, Route 53, and Amazon Certificate Manager.
The first step is to create a custom VPC with two public and private subnets, where each subnet has its own Network Access Control List.
To achieve high availability, two EC2 instances with a basic application are launched in public subnets, with Security Groups allowing ports 80 and 443.
An Application Load Balancer is created in front of EC2 instances, which acts as a server and distributes traffic, ensuring high availability and providing SSL/TLS security, DDoS protection, and Web Application Firewall.
Custom domain names are created in Route 53, with SSL/TLS certificates being added using the AWS Certificate Manager service.
The HTTP:80 Listener is redirected to the HTTPS:443 Listener, with proper forwarding to the target group and ACM certificate.
The Network ACL is updated to only allow HTTPS traffic.
Optionally, CloudFront can be set up alongside the Application Load Balancer to enhance security.
The Defense in Depth approach with AWS services ensures multiple layers of security to protect cloud infrastructure.