Python dictionaries are a built-in data type that stores key-value pairs for efficient data retrieval.dict() and {} can create dictionaries in Python. Use {} for concise syntax and dict() for dynamic creation from iterable objects..__dict__ is a special attribute in Python that holds an object’s writable attributes in a dictionary.Python dict is implemented as a hashmap for fast key lookups.Dictionaries in Python are mutable, dynamic, efficient, and ordered.The keys of a dictionary need to be hashable and unique, and values can be of any Python type, including other dictionaries.Dictionaries come in handy when processing CSV and JSON files, working with databases, loading configuration files, and more.It’s important to note that dictionaries are collections of pairs. You need to insert a key with its corresponding value.Python’s dictionaries are a fundamental part of Python and used in core concepts like scopes and namespaces.Dictionaries in Python have many characteristics like being dynamic, mutable, efficient, and ordered.