Amazon CloudFront introduced CloudFront Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Origins, a new feature that allows users to use CloudFront to deliver content from applications hosted in a VPC private subnet.
The benefits of CloudFront VPC Origins include enhanced security posture, simplified architecture, improved compliance, and no additional costs compared to the 'old' setup.
Amazon CloudFront now supports additional log formats and destinations for access logs, including direct log delivery to CloudWatch Logs and DataFirehose, expanded log output formats, customizable S3 prefixes and partitioning, selectable log fields, and log delivery to S3 buckets in opt-in AWS regions.
CloudFront also introduced new features such as CloudFront Functions for global traffic routing with minimal cost, support for gRPC protocol in addition to WebSockets and HTTP, anycast routing with static IP addresses for zero rating agreements or firewall allow listing, and Media Quality-Aware Resiliency for better resiliency in live video streaming workloads.