Large language models (LLMs) demand significant computational resources, which means it's essential to anticipate and handle potential resource exhaustion.
Exponential backoff and retry logic in the code can help in handling resource exhaustion or API unavailability also apply to LLMs.
In Python, tenacity is a useful general-purpose retrying library written in Python to simplify the task of adding retry behavior to your code.
Fallbacks can be implemented in code along with backoff and retry methods for greater resilience of your LLM applications.
Circuit breaking with Apigee can be used to manage traffic distribution and graceful failure handling.
Dynamic shared quota is one way that Google Cloud manages resource allocation for certain LLMs, which aims to provide a more flexible and efficient user experience.
Provisioned Throughput from Google Cloud is a service that allows you to reserve dedicated capacity for generative AI models on the Vertex AI platform.
Backoff and retry mechanisms should be combined with dynamic shared quota, especially as request volume and token size increase.
Provisioned Throughput offers predictable performance, reserved capacity, cost-effectiveness, scalable services & can help in computationally-intensive AI tasks.
Implementing the above 3 practical strategies can help in achieving reliability and improved performance.