Form validation is a crucial aspect of modern web applications.This article explains how to use both Zod and RHF to validate dynamic forms, including those with complex structures such as payment methods.DiscriminatedUnion is an advanced typing technique used to model objects with different structures but sharing a common discriminating field.Each payment method specific rules that must not interfere with each other interfere.Allows new types to be added easily, ensuring that any invalid values are detected at validation time.React Hook Form makes it easy to manage forms while remaining high-performance and flexible.GetErrorsByPaymentType() method helps to separate the errors with their fields using their payment types.The article provides an example of payment form validation using discriminatedUnion and React Hook Form.Zod and RHF dynamically adapt validation according to the type field, simplifying the logic in the form.This utility type can be used in many ways, and it is highly recommended in dealing with validation and other scenarios.