Dynamic routing in Astro can be used to generate individual pages based on unique identifiers such as project IDs.
To set up an Astro project for dynamic content generation, create a dedicated folder and initialize a dynamic page template.
The core of dynamic page generation in Astro is the setup of the [id].astro file, which accesses dynamic parameters via Astro.params.
To test the dynamically generated pages, build the project and preview and test it while running your local development server.
To load the parameters for static paths from a JSON file, create a JSON file named 'projects.json' within the 'src/data' directory of your Astro project.
Populate the 'projects.json' file with the 'id', 'title', and 'description' of each project.
Update the 'getStaticPaths' function in the '[id].astro' file to load the project details from the 'projects.json' file. The 'find' function is used to retrieve the project details based on the ID passed in the URL.
Dynamic routing is crucial in generating pages dynamically and ensuring that your pages are always up-to-date.
By fully setting up your Astro project, you can generate a dedicated page for every content object, rendering pages dynamically.
For more information about Astro Dev, Astro Dynamic Routing, and Astro Debugging, visit fzeba.com