Naomi Goez, Principal at Forum Ventures, shared her story and professional background experience in detail.
She started her journey from a fashion school in Los Angeles, which led her to supply chain and ultimately venture capital.
She is looking at various vulnerabilities that might impact AI infrastructure development, energy transition and the trend towards nearshoring.
In order to learn about a new industry quickly, Naomi talks directly to executives, gaining valuable insight into the pulse and state of the market.
She shared how customer service roles taught her time management, problem solving, empathy, and patience, all of which are valuable when working in venture capital.
Balancing being a team player, a people leader and leading a team of pre-partner investment professionals at Forum required her to constantly learn and adjust her leadership approach.
She is very passionate about supporting underrepresented talent and is constantly trying to think through ways to better engage with those communities.
Naomi's biggest learning is that curiosity is celebrated in venture capital, and it is incredibly important to support people who are mission-aligned regardless of the immediate outcome.
Outside of work, Naomi spends time on exercise and reading books that might not be necessarily work-related as it introduces a forcing function to challenge biases and preconceived notions.