Robots in movies and cartoons are often unique characters with their own set of quirks, bugs, and attention-grabbing features.
WALL-E is a cleaning bot designed to scavenge and recycle waste on an abandoned Earth. WALL-E displays extreme levels of emotion, deviates from its primary goal.
Bender from Futurama is a robot sociopath with a huge ego and snarky sense of humour. He steals, drinks, and lies. His behaviour is programmed into his character.
R2-D2 and C-3PO from Star Wars have bugs too. R2-D2 sometimes shows excessive initiative. C-3PO follows protocols too closely.
Flight of the Navigator is a sci-fi movie about time travel. The alien ship computer called 'Max' has no back-up storage, putting the data at risk.
Terminator is the most iconic robot. His biggest bug is his inability to fully integrate into human society. The T-800 model has unsupervised learning limitations.
Robots like Elon Musk's Optimus robot are designed to help around the house and work as car mechanics.
PVS-Studio doesn't create robots, but they can help develop software for them bug-free.