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Tech Radar





Image Credit: Tech Radar

Generative AI should be used to transform society, not put dogs in Van Gogh paintings

  • Generative AI has, for the most part, only been used to improve parts of daily human life that are already easy for us, making future job prospects for humans all the more worrying.
  • Generative AI could free up people to do different things, but its functions so far seem to be doing human-esque tasks wholesale rather than augmenting them.
  • Generative AI should not be doing art, poetry, or other creative pursuits, as it doesn’t really create anything truly new like humans do.
  • Instead, generative AI should be used in ways that actually augment human lives and society as a whole by supporting them in tasks and functions instead of replacing them.
  • Generative AI could be used as a support tool in teaching, to support people with learning difficulties on a 24-hour basis.
  • Generative AI could also act as a form of 24-hour support, helping answer questions from elderly people.
  • There’s also scope for generative AI to be increasingly used to help people seeking therapy but might not feel comfortable opening up to a human.
  • AI should be used to address issues in society, not just help individuals in their daily tasks.
  • Tech companies should put their tech nous into generative AI designed to benefit society rather than just deliver profits.
  • Generative AI has the potential to make the world a better place for humans if designed for social good, not just individual convenience.

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