The CSS property 'text-align: left' is used to align an HTML element's text to the left.
The login form should be checked for exposed passwords.
If the payload 'Click Me' is used, a clickable link with the text 'Click Me' will be displayed on the page.
XSS can be used to extract the cookie value on the above page.
'WAMP' is commonly used with the Windows operating system.
If a web server returns an HTTP code 201, it stands for 'Created'.
Google's Firebase Database is a NoSQL database.
With a GET request of '/index.php?id=0', the name of the user with id number 1 can be searched for. The answer is 'superadmin'.
The public vulnerability 'CVE-2014–6271' belongs to the category of public vulnerabilities.
The CVSS score of the public vulnerability 'CVE-2017–0144' is not provided.
The HackTheBox's Introduction to Web Applications module covers the fundamental structure of web applications, front-end and back-end technologies, common vulnerabilities, practical exercises, and foundational knowledge for aspiring web application penetration testers.