Fundraising can be a challenging process and choosing the right activity to center your fundraiser around can be a bit tricky. Tournaments inspire customization to your needs and preferences while also being easy to organize. Golf and pickleball tournaments have seen a lot of success for fundraisers. Golf tournaments partner well with fundraising efforts as golfers typically have disposable income they can spend towards a good cause. Pickleball is growing in popularity and presents a unique opportunity for charitable organizations to capitalize on the sport’s momentum.
There are many tournament types you can organize for your fundraiser event, some popular ones include golf, pickleball, and cornhole tournaments. Single-person teams are best suited for golf events while pickleball and cornhole events work best with small teams. Trivia tournaments are a good replacement for sports activities for those who might be less inclined to participate in athletics.
Set-up and structure must be examined and chosen for your tournament. Single and double elimination set-ups may be used as well as multilevel and Round Robin structures. When planning the tournament, consider influencing points such as the number of teams attending, highly skilled teams being part of the event, players who may be traveling, and how much playing time can be offered.
Proper planning will result in a higher revenue. When planning, define your target audience, post frequently on social media to create awareness about the event, secure your sponsors, increase your profits via silent actions, raffles, and merchandise sales, and set up your event website. Auctria can help you create a customizable website for your event. Unique events such as cornhole tournaments, trivia tournaments, and walkathons can be organized to help generate profits for your cause.
Tournaments are a great way to tap into people’s natural competitive spirit and with a little planning, you can maximize the profits for your cause. If you’re struggling to come up with the right tournament for your organization, Get Fully Funded can help you out. Auctria is an organizing engine to make running events and auction fundraisers easier. They help you stay on top of the details so you can focus on raising more funds.