To send photos or videos through Messenger, you need to grant the app permission to access your device’s photo library using your phone's settings.For Android users, navigate to Settings > Apps > Messenger > Permissions and enable Photos & Media to grant access.For iPhone users, open the Settings app, scroll to Messenger, and enable Photos access by choosing All Photos or Add Photos Only.This permission allows Messenger to present your photo library when attaching images to a message, making for a more seamless user experience.Revisiting the app's permissions in your phone's settings can help troubleshoot if you ever find yourself unable to send photos.Managing permissions periodically can help maintain optimal performance and privacy.Enabling Messenger to access your photos can enhance your conversations and make them more personal.Keeping apps up to date is important to ensure optimal performance and prevent permission resets after updates.Granting Messenger access to your photos is a simple but essential step for a more interactive and engaging experience within the app.By allowing Messenger to access your photos, you can share memories, documents, and more through quick and seamless media sharing.