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How to Build a Reverse Proxy with Rust and Rama

  • This article explains how to build a TLS termination proxy with Rust and Rama, which is a modular service framework for the Rust language to move and transform network packets. For this purpose, the author uses the TLS boring termination example in the Rama repository. A reverse proxy is a server that sits in front of a web server and enhances the performance, security, and reliability of the web server.
  • The article provides the code for the HTTP service function of the project, which retrieves the client's address and proxy's address and sends a response to the client acknowledging it. The code demonstrates the configuration of the TLS server with ServerConfig API.
  • The article also explains the implementation of middleware layers, including HaProxyClientLayer, HaProxyLayer, and ConsumeErrLayer, for handling TLS connections and logging clients' information in the proxy's terminal. The author also explains how to use task spawning in Rama.
  • Finally, the article shows how to create an HTTP server using Rama's HttpServer API and drives home why Rama is a great alternative framework for creating proxy services that use Tokio and Tower. The author particularly highlights the helpfulness of the Rama community in the Discord server and the repository in troubleshooting their issues.
  • The author advises that Rama is highly in development, so for now, one should use the main branch to stay up-to-date with the changes in the Rama ecosystem.
  • The project's source code is available on GitHub and can be used as reference material for building similar proxies.
  • Overall, the article is a great introduction to Rust and Rama for building a reverse proxy that terminates TLS connections.

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