Resend and React Email helps send actual & responsive emails using React components for your application.
Email templates are difficult to create as these have inconsistent rendering across clients, limited CSS support, and responsive email design challenges.
Resend helps to send the actual emails and React Email helps to create responsive email templates
To get started with Resend + React Email Setup, install the required dependencies, create email folders and get the Resend API key.
Create the sendEmail function & add emails into the emails folder and export the email template from the emails folder which will be registered as props of the sendEmail function.
Resend provides a neat way to preview your email templates. Add a new script email dev in your package.json.
To automate the setup of React Email & Resend to your project, utilize c0nfig to automate the process.
With these tools, you can focus on delivering great features to your users without getting bogged down by the complexities of email template development.