Unfriending someone on Roblox can be a simple yet necessary task.Unfriending is essential to maintain the integrity of your gaming experience.Unfriending helps keep your account more private and less cluttered.Unfriending someone on mobile or PC versions of Roblox is relatively straightforward.Regular friend list management is crucial for better gameplay and performance.Unfriending is a great way to remove toxic behavior, unwanted drama, and negative experiences.Whether you’re facing privacy concerns or want to maintain a tidy friend list, this guide is for you.Unfriending on mobile requires opening the Roblox app, navigating to your profile, finding the person, and confirming the action.Unfriending on PC requires logging in, accessing your profile, going to your friends list, finding the person, and clicking unfriend.Unfriending someone can help restore your Roblox experience to something more enjoyable.