The Jakarta Steering Committee chartered the Jakarta Platform project with the goal of incorporating developer feedback in the development of EE 11.
Institutional memory is the way groups of humans learn from mistakes and avoid repeating them. With all that specialness in mind, what does it mean to incorporate developer feedback?
The Jakarta Platform project did quite well during EE 11 in meeting the goals set by the Steering Committee.
Leading up to Jakarta EE 11, the platform conducted an open community discussion on requirements for Jakarta EE 11, which were primarily developer-driven.
There were four groups of feedback with mixed delivery: over-delivered, delivered, somewhat delivered, did not deliver.
For items in the under-promised list, they gave an A grade if over-delivered or delivered, B for somewhat delivered, D for did not deliver.
From the list, the project scored a 2.54 GPA. However, if several developer requests are denied, the project gains a higher GPA of 3.43, leaving the project some room for growth.