Owning the us-east-1.com domain was to protect AWS users from malicious actors who might misuse it for phishing or other attacks.
Owning this domain has provided fascinating insights into DNS queries—many of which are likely unintentional, generated by AWS resources and misconfigured systems.
prod-backend-db.cc66xuedqt2t.us-east-1.com is the most frequent DNS request suggesting a significant number of backend systems mistakenly reach out to this domain.
Domains like storagegateway.us-east-1.com and s3.us-east-1.com highlight how systems might inadvertently look to this domain for data, increasing the risk of data leakage if the domain were in malicious hands.
If someone else owned us-east-1.com, they could potentially set up a fake login portal that mimics the AWS Console, capture sensitive DNS queries that could reveal system configurations or IP addresses, use it as a phishing link to trick users into providing credentials or accessing malware.
Check DNS configurations, be mindful of typos and stay vigilant against phishing attacks to prevent sensitive information to unintended locations.
Leverage DNS Firewall to filter and regulate outbound DNS queries, preventing data exfiltration and accidental requests to unintended domains.
The primary goal is to ensure this domain remains out of the hands of bad actors and serves as a reminder of the simple yet effective ways we can improve cloud security by managing key assets, like domains.
Registering us-east-1.com is a simple yet effective step to secure AWS users worldwide.
For AWS users and anyone working with cloud services, it is a reminder to double-check configurations, always be wary of URLs, and adopt a proactive approach to security.