There are many CMS solutions available in the market, but most of them have their trade-offs and compromises.
The author decided to build a CMS solution that actually fits naturally into our workflow- LuxeCMS.
LuxeCMS is built around modularity and composability, which will allow developers to start lean and grow precisely in the direction they want.
The author aims to provide a better solution than the existing CMS options that aligns with workflows and technology stack and does not force developers to empty their wallets just to handle growing traffic.
The core modules of LuxeCMS include Objects, Documents, Media, Widgets, and Pages that will provide the foundation for new and unique data structures defined by the developers.
LuxCMS is in its early stages and nowhere near ready for real-world use yet, but it is 100% open-source project that developers can contribute to.
The author is documenting every step of this journey openly, and even if it only serves to inspire other developers to tackle ambitious projects they care about, it will be a win.
The author encourages interested developers to follow LuxeCMS and contribute to or sponsor this project.
Through LuxeCMS, the author wants to build a community of like-minded individuals to bring something new to the world and address the pain points experienced by developers working with CMS.
LuxeCMS is an ambitious project that challenges the status quo and demonstrates that developers can tackle problems worth solving to build a better solution.