Apple has introduced a Hearing Test feature which allows the creation of an audiogram to help users determine if they have hearing loss.
The test plays a series of progressively quieter beeps across a range of frequencies and volumes, with users tapping the screen when they hear them.
The test assesses the fit of earbuds and checks if the environment is quiet enough.
Despite being told of little to no hearing loss, dips in the author's audiogram suggested mild hearing loss.
The dip at 4 kHz indicates some degree of noise-induced hearing loss.
Apple AirPod Pros 2's hearing test is not approved as a clinical-grade hearing aid in the UK, but it provides audiograms to help users monitor hearing decline.
People with less-than-perfect results should be checked by audiologists since hearing loss is not the only thing they check.
There is no reason why personalized audiograms can't be used to calibrate the AirPods' performance, but the feature is not available in almost all countries except the US.
Early detection is essential to maintain good hearing capabilities, audiologists can check the health of ears, and intervention is more beneficial to your communication senses.
The hearing test serves as a reminder to take care of our ears and not shy away from hearing loss.