Intel has established AI PC Experience Development Centres at two Indian institutes, the IISc Bengaluru and IITH, providing students with access to the Core Ultra Processors for designing AI applications. Intel's future plans involve producing 100 million AI PCs by 2025. The two institutes' development centres provide advanced AI hardware, software and tailored support from Intel's technologists to generate practical experience and real-world solutions across various fields. AMD previously partnered with IISc to advance Indian AI and HPC research, providing additional training and internships for students. The Indian government is set to see a significant improvement in the development of AI systems from the involvement of Intel, AMD and a number of other tech giants beginning to invest in the field.
Intel aims to provide 100 million AI PCs by 2025, focusing on India as a key market.
Intel has established AI PC Experience Development Centres at IISc Bengaluru and IITH.
The centres aim to provide researchers with AI hardware and software support and mentorship.
The development centres are equipped with advanced technology for AI research, focusing on student innovation and practical experience in real-world AI solutions.
AMD previously partnered with IISc to advance Indian AI and HPC research in this burgeoning market for tech.
Gilles Garcia, senior director business lead, data centre communication group at AMD said AMD has been actively looking at Indian universities to establish its presence and upskill students.
Intel is building PC systems for students including an initiative with the Government of Karnataka to offer AI PCs to every student from primary to K-12.
India's population of 300 million students is driving the race towards AI-equipped schools.
As AI is increasingly being adopted across India, public-private sector partnerships are critical to driving growth in research and investment.