React Router is a JavaScript library used in React applications to handle routing.
Routing means navigating between different pages or views of the application without reloading the browser.
React Router helps achieve this smooth, in-browser navigation.
It is widely used in React applications to display different views based on the URL, handle navigation between pages without reloading the entire page, and update the browser URL as users move through different parts of the app.
Routing refers to the process of determining what content or view should be displayed when a user navigates to a specific URL or clicks a link.
Routing is crucial for Single Page Applications (SPAs) because it creates a faster and more seamless experience for users while staying within the same “page”.
React Router helps the client-side routing in SPAs.
Server-side routing is slower and requires a full page reload to navigate between pages, while client-side routing doesn't.
Single Page Application (SPA) loads a single HTML page and dynamically updates content as the user interacts without requiring a full page reload.
Client-side routing brings faster and seamless user experience whereas server-side routing is good for simple websites and SEO.