Isomorphic React, also known as Universal React, renders an application on both the client and server side.Server-Side Rendering (SSR) allows the use of pre-rendered HTML to serve the page directly, optimizing performance and user experience.Hydration is the process React uses to attach event listeners after rendering on the client-side, making the app fully interactive.With Isomorphic React, the same codebase is used for the client and server, allowing you to share components and reduce redundancy.Since search engines can index content more easily in traditional client-side rendering, Isomorphic React improves SEO.Isomorphic React provides a faster initial load, codebase unification, and an improved user experience.Configuring a server, managing routes, synchronization, and hydration complexities can make SSR more difficult to set up.Next.js, Gatsby.js, and Remix are popular frameworks for building Isomorphic React apps.Isomorphic React's performance improvements, SEO benefits, and better user experience make it an excellent tool for modern React app development.Isomorphic React can serve as a powerful tool in improving performace and user experience for React applications.