Terraform is an Infrastructure as Code tool that beginners in cloud computing should learn for its advantages.A hands-on Terraform project involves creating a furniture store website on an EC2 Instance with an Auto-Scaling Group and Application Load Balancer.Terraform is declarative, where you declare the desired infrastructure without specifying steps to achieve it - achieving idempotency.The terraform.tfstate file tracks provisioned infrastructure and helps Terraform understand existing resources without excessive API calls.The .terraform folder in a project contains necessary metadata and configurations for Terraform.The terraform.lock.hcl file ensures consistent provider versions and should be committed to version control for stability.main.tf is a primary Terraform configuration file with core settings, and Terraform automatically processes all .tf files in a directory.The terraform init command initializes a project with necessary plugins, backend configurations, and modules.terraform plan previews changes, terraform apply applies changes, and terraform destroy removes all resources created.Variables store dynamic values, and outputs provide information post-configuration in Terraform.