Movie Finder App: Build a searchable movie database app using The Movie Database (TMDb) API.Crypto Price Tracker: Create a live cryptocurrency price tracker using CoinGecko API.Pokedex App: Develop a Pokémon explorer app using PokeAPI.Trivia Quiz App: Build a quiz game with categories and difficulty levels using Open Trivia Database API.Weather Forecast Dashboard: Create a multi-city weather dashboard using OpenWeatherMap API.Recipe Search Engine: Develop a recipe search app for cooking enthusiasts using Spoonacular API.Music Playlist Generator: Build a playlist generator app based on mood or genre using Spotify Web API.Space Exploration App: Create an educational app for astronomy lovers using NASA APIs.Stock Market Tracker: Build a dashboard for tracking stock market trends using Alpha Vantage or Finnhub API.E-commerce Product Search: Develop a price comparison platform for products using Best Buy API or eBay API.Social Media Dashboard: Build a social media insights dashboard using Twitter API or Reddit API.Fitness Tracker: Create a health and fitness tracking app using Fitbit Web API or Nutritionix API.Travel Planner App: Develop a personalized travel planning tool using Amadeus Travel APIs.