Lumma Stealer is a new information-stealing malware that is spreading rapidly through Telegram channels.Telegram channels are being identified as lucrative distribution vectors, able to bypass traditional detection mechanisms.McAfee offers robust defenses against malware threats like Lumma Stealer, using cutting-edge threat intelligence and behavioral analysis.CCleaner 2024.rar is one specific file used to distribute Lumma Stealer.Lumma Stealer can steal sensitive data and compromise user privacy.The malware employs a decryption routine to establish communication with the attacker's server, making detection harder.Lumma Stealer has been detected in India, USA, and Europe, with Telegram channels offering fake crack software, being the main source of distribution.McAfee's advanced security features provide users with a safeguard to protect their digital assets and personal data against Lumma Stealer malware.The threat of Lumma Stealer highlights the importance of having robust antivirus protection to safeguard against evolving malware tactics.Indicators of compromise include various ransomware, spyware, and Trojan malware packaged as fake software.