The blog highlights how to perform basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations in OpenSearch using Python.
OpenSearch is an open-source alternative to Elasticsearch, built for large dataset search and analytics.
To start, we need a local OpenSearch instance, using docker-compose.yml file that spins up OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards.
For creating OpenSearch environment, we need Python 3.7+, OpenSearch installed locally using Docker, and familiarity with RESTful APIs.
Abstract class SearchService defined in to outline the required operations. The HTTPOpenSearchService class implements these CRUD methods, interacting with the OpenSearch client.
In, it is demonstrated how to create an index in OpenSearch, index documents with sample user data, search for documents based on a query and delete a document using its ID.
OpenSearch provides a powerful and scalable solution for managing and querying large datasets.
In real-world applications, OpenSearch is often used as a read-optimized store for faster data retrieval.
Different indexing strategies are employed to ensure data consistency is maintained.
Optimizing performance and accuracy in data retrieval remains the key goal of OpenSearch integration.