Function Composition is a functional programming concept where multiple functions are combined to produce a new function.
In JavaScript, function composition allows us to combine multiple functions that process data in a pipeline-like fashion.
Creating a more generic function to compose multiple functions allows you to dynamically combine multiple functions, making your code more modular and flexible.
Function composition offers several benefits like Reusability, Clarity, Modularity and Maintainability.
While composition is a right-to-left operation (executing functions from right to left), piping is the opposite, as it executes functions from left to right.
Function Composition is a powerful technique that allows you to combine multiple functions into a single function, where the output of one function becomes the input of the next.
You can compose functions manually or by creating a generic compose function.
Composing functions helps create modular, reusable, and maintainable code, particularly in scenarios that involve chaining transformations or data manipulation.
Pipe and Compose are closely related concepts, with the difference being the direction in which the functions are applied (left to right for pipe and right to left for compose).
Function Composition is particularly useful when building data transformation steps that involve chaining transformations or data manipulation.